I am excited to return to Wake Forest University, where I earned undergraduate degrees in Biology and Chemistry before completing a PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Princeton University. After graduate school, I served as an Army officer for eight years, including a tour in Iraq. I accepted a DoD Principal Investigator position in 2010, where I built a large research program developing countermeasures for highly dangerous biological and chemical poisons affecting the central and peripheral nervous systems as well as the cornea of the eye. In 2020, I accepted a faculty position at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM), where I am (1) conducting fundamental studies to understand toxic mechanisms of diverse poisons at scales ranging from individual receptors to multi-organ physiological responses; (2) developing comprehensive therapies that mitigate toxicity and promote regeneration; and (3) exploiting WFIRM’s unique capabilities to develop organoid models of complex diseases and toxic injuries.