McNutt Lab


The McNutt Lab is excited to share recent breakthroughs in [research area], showcasing innovative advancements in [specific topic]. Their latest study promises significant impacts in [relevant field], supported by new funding to further explore these groundbreaking findings.


New Research Shows Drug Used to Treat Neuromuscular Weakness Could Counter Botulism
New Research Shows Drug Used to Treat Neuromuscular Weakness Could Counter Botulism

Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) researchers are investigating a drug used to treat neuromuscular weakness as a potential treatment for botulism, a rare but serious disease.


Trojan Horse Antidotes Designed to Neutralize Lethal Botulinum Toxin
Trojan Horse Antidotes Designed to Neutralize Lethal Botulinum Toxin

Two research groups have designed chimeric fusion proteins that constitute a new “trojan horse” approach to neutralize lethal botulinum toxins.

New strategy to fight botulinum toxin - expert available
New strategy to fight botulinum toxin - expert available

Related to new research published in the January issue of Science Translational Medicine, Patrick McNutt, PhD, of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, was part of the research team that demonstrated a new “Trojan horse” approach that produces strong antidotal efficacy in treating lethal botulism in mice, guinea pigs and rhesus macaque monkeys.


Patrick McNutt Talks Chemical Weapons
Patrick McNutt Talks Chemical Weapons

Army scientist discusses medical research being carried out to understand and protect against warfare agents